Contributing code to SuzieQ typically requires programming in python (specifically python 3). The recommended best practice for programming in python requires the use of virtual environments. SuzieQ relies on a number of other open source projects to do its job. Installing those packages and the right versions is also crucial before starting to develop for SuzieQ.

We use poetry to both setup the working virtual environment for SuzieQ and to install the appropriate packages. Therefore, before you can get started in developing for SuzieQ, you must get a working development environment. I have developed only in Linux, but I know of others who've developed on macOS. I cannot vouch for the development on Windows because several packages work only on Linux or macOS.

Setting up the development environment for SuzieQ involves the following steps:

  • Make sure you have a python3 version that is > 3.7.1 and less than 3.9.0. If you don't have a system provided python version that matches this requirement, you can use pyenv to install one.
  • If you've used pyenv to install a specific python version, ensure you activate it.
  • Install poetry--follow the instructions posted here.
  • Ensure you have git installed (follow the instructions here)
  • Clone the github repository: git clone This creates a copy of the code repository in the subfolder suzieq in the current directory.
  • Create the virtual environment and install the appropriate packages by typing: poetry install
  • Activate the virtual environment by typing poetry shell

Now you're ready to get started writing code for SuzieQ.