Commands are the basis of interacting with data in SuzieQ. The format of each SuzieQ CLI command is the following <command> <verb> <filters>.
To get a stripped down description of the commands, there is the help command directly inside the CLI.


Each SuzieQ service collects specific informations from the devices and collect them inside a table. Each command access one or more of these tables and prompt devices data to the user. The list of commands currently supported is the following:

  • arpnd
  • bgp
  • device
  • evpnVni
  • fs
  • interface
  • lldp
  • mac
  • mlag
  • ospf
  • path
  • route
  • sqpoller
  • table
  • topology (alpha)
  • vlan


For each one of the commands above there are the following verbs:

  • describe: gives a description of the table associated with the command and its fields
  • help: prints an help message for the command
  • show: prints the data relative to the table associated with the command
  • summarize: produce a summarization of the data inside the table
  • top: find the top n values for a field specified with the what argument. This argument is mandatory
  • unique: find the list of unique items associated with a column specified with columns argument.

To get the list of command verbs, it's possible to type help <command> or <command> help.

Command specific verbs

bgp, evpnVni, interface and ospf contains a specific verb called assert which will run predefined set of assertions on these tables. For further details about predefined assertions click here.

network command offers a unique verb find. It can be used to find a either an IP or a mac address inside the dataset using the argument address (f.e. network find address='').

the show verb of path command needs namespace, src and dest arguments in order to return the path between src and dest.


Filters can be used to visualize a subset of the network. There are a set of filters which are common and others which are specific to some commands and/or verbs. The common filters are the following:

  • columns: space separeted list of table columns to show.
  • end_time: all the data polled are associated with a timestamp. It's possible to get the status of the network until end_time timestamp.
  • engine: select the engine for the command. The supported engines are pandas and rest
  • format: select the output format. The supported formats are text(default), json, csv and markdown.
  • hostname: filter a subset of hostnames. Multiple hostnames can be specified separating them with a blank. It's also possible to filter using a regex adding a ~ at the beginning of the filter (f.e. bgp show hostname='~spine.*')
  • namespace: filter a subset of the namespaces. As hostname, it's possible to specify multiple space separated namespaces and ~ for regex.
  • query_str: use a pandas query to create a complex query on data. Check Pandas Query Examples section for more details about pandas queries.
  • start_time: similarly to end_time, also this command is used to get the status of the network starting from start_time timestamp.
  • view: this filter is used to decide whether showing the state of the network (view=latest(default)) or the changes happened (view=all)

To get verbs filters, it's possible to use the command help <command> <verb>.